Friday 21 October 2011

FAMOUS LAST WORDS and a few familiar 6th Year faces from Lourdes


1.    I’ll get a world record for this.

2.    It’s fireproof.

3.    He’s probably just hibernating.

4.    I’m making a citizen’s arrest.

5.    It’s probably just a rash.

6.    Yeah, I made the deciding vote on the jury, so what of it?

7.    The odds of that happening have to be a million to one!

8.    Pull the pin and count to what?

9.    I wonder where the mother bear is?

10.           I’ve seen this done on TV.

11.           I’ll hold it and you light the fuse.

12.           Funny, you look just like Charles Manson.

13.           Rat poison only kills rats.

14.           It can’t possibly rain for forty days and forty nights.

15.           This doesn’t taste right.

16.           I can make this green light before it changes.

17.           Nice doggie.

18.           I can do that with my eyes closed.

19.           Well, we’ve made it this far.

20.           That’s odd.

Now for a few faces from the Lourdes Pilgrimage last May.....