Thursday 9 May 2013

Consecration of the Young People of Ireland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Invitation to Young People

Consecration of the Young People of Ireland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Monday May 13th is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. On that day the Bishop of Rio de Janeiro will consecrate the young people of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Shrine in Fatima, Portugal. On that same day - the bishops of Portugal will gather there to consecrate Pope Francis' ministry (as he has requested) to the Immaculate Heart.

In union with these great events there will be a Mass at 6pm on May 13th in St. Mary's Church, Convoy followed by Rosary and Consecration of the Young People of Ireland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. NET Ministries Ireland (an organisation which evangelises the young people of Ireland) will join us for the evening and will provide the music. 
If you are a young person – or the parent or grandparent of a young person please join us as we spiritual place all our young people and their future under the prayer, power and protection of the Immaculate Heart.