Monday 5 September 2011

The 'Fingerprint' of God in Nature!

God often works in ways that are hidden. If you look closely you can see His 'fingerprint'! God does just enough to reveal Himself and His ways without taking away our freedom to choose to believe or not to believe in Him. The choice is ours! The following video clip shows the subtle way a common design is seen throughout nature and in the universe - even in human beings.


Blessed are you,
Lord God,
Creator of body and mind and heart;
You have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge
to guide your people in all their ways.

(St. Finbarr's Church, Gougone Barra, Co. Cork)

At the beginning of this new school year
we implore your mercy:
bless the students, teachers, and staff of St. Eunan's College,
that together we may grow in faith, hope, and love
as we learn from you and each other
how to follow your Son Jesus.

(Donegal Bay, taken near Kilcar - some of the staff say it's 'God's Country'!)

Expand the horizons of our mind,
that we may grow in Wisdom,
understanding and knowledge;
deepen our commitment to seek the truths of your ways;
and enliven our faith to reach out to those in need.

All glory and praise to you, Lord God,
through the help of Mary and all the saints, especially St. Eunan.
We make these and all our prayers, in the name of Jesus,
who is Lord, forever and ever.

(From the Passion of the Christ )

I hope to celebrate MASS on Monday and Friday mornings in the College Chapel at 8.30 am, for anyone who wants to come along. The Mass should be approximately 20 minutes long. If anyone wants a Mass offered for some one in particular, maybe those who are sick or someone who has died, please feel free to ask me. (By the way - that's not me in the photo - Fr Rory)